Croquet Glossary
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The currently active player.
Striker’s Ball
The ball being played by the Striker.
Walking up to the Striker’s Ball along the line of aim, with the eye on the target, before taking up the Stance, for the purpose of aligning the body for an accurate swing of the mallet.
The edge of the court, which balls can only cross under certain conditions without the player’s turn ending.
Peg, or Stake
The post in the centre of the court.
The period during which a player is allowed to play before the opponent becomes eligible to play. In some forms of croquet, there is only one Stroke in a turn; in other forms, the player can earn the right to make additional strokes in the turn by Roqueting balls or Running Hoops.
In Association Croquet, a swing with the mallet with the intention of hitting the Striker’s Ball. In Golf Croquet, a swing with the mallet that actually contacts the striker’s ball, whether intentional or not.
Stop Shot
A Croquet Stroke which results in the Striker’s Ball going a minimal distance in relation to the Croqueted Ball.
Jump Shot
A Stroke resulting in the Striker’s Ball jumping off the ground, sometimes in order to go over another ball en route to its intended target.
An extra turn that a Striker can take when playing a handicap game against a better player.
Passing completely through a Hoop.
Double Tap
Contacting the Striker’s Ball twice with the mallet in the same stroke.
Association Croquet Terms
Eligible to hit another ball with your ball to earn bonus Strokes; i.e., when “Blue is alive on Red,” the Blue ball may legally strike (Roquet) the Red ball and gain two extra strokes as a result.
Association Rules Croquet
(also called “International Rules Croquet”) the form of the sport of 6-wicket croquet most commonly played in countries outside North America.
Ball in Hand
A ball that needs to be repositioned on the court, either in relation to another ball (usually after a Roquet), or on the Yard Line after going out of bounds.
A Turn in which the Striker’s Ball passes through more than one Hoop and scores more than one point.
Continuation Shot
The extra Stroke earned for Running a Hoop, or the stroke following the Croquet Stroke.
Croquet Stroke
The first of two extra Strokes earned for Roqueting another ball with with the Striker’s Ball, played by hitting the striker’s ball while it is in contact with the ball that has just been roqueted. The game is named for this unique stroke, which allows players to position not only their own balls but also the opponent’s.
Ineligibility to earn bonus Strokes by Roqueting another ball with the Striker’s Ball.
Drive Shot
The basic single-ball shot of croquet. When used in a Croquet Stroke with both balls aimed in the same direction, the Croqueted Ball goes 3 to 5 times as far as the Striker’s Ball.
Roll Shot
A Croquet Stroke which results in the Striker’s Ball going farther in relation to the Croqueted Ball than happens in a Drive Shot. Rolls can be designated 1/2, 3/4, Full, or Pass according to this ratio.
The right to lift a ball from its position and place it in another location specified in the relevant law. This right is usually granted at certain points during an Association Rules game, or when Wiring is called under the rules of either Association Rules or American Rules games.
A Stroke that sends a ball other than the Striker’s Ball through its next Hoop (whether the striker’s ball runs the hoop or not).
A ball positioned near one’s next hoop, to be used by the player in Setting Up for a Hoop Shot
Pivot Ball
A ball placed on the court, usually near the center, to be used during a break after placing a pioneer ball and before going to the next hoop
A Stroke in which the Striker’s Ball hits another ball upon which it is Alive.
A ball which has gone through its final hoop. Special rules of play apply to such balls.
Split Shot
A Croquet Stroke resulting in the Striker’s Ball and the Croqueted Ball taking divergent paths.
A Croquet Stroke in which the Croqueted Ball goes a very short distance, if any (the ball must at least shake), while the Striker’s Ball goes much further, at approximately right angles
Placing an opponent’s ball in such a position that it cannot get a clear shot at all sides of every ball on which it is Alive. If a ball is wired at the beginning of a turn, a player may get a Lift according to the rules of the game being played.
Yard Line
The imaginary line one yard (approximately the length of a mallet handle) inside the designated boundary, where balls are placed after going out of bounds in Association Rules Croquet.
The currently active player.
Striker’s Ball
The ball being played by the Striker.
Walking up to the Striker’s Ball along the line of aim, with the eye on the target, before taking up the Stance, for the purpose of aligning the body for an accurate swing of the mallet.
The edge of the court, which balls can only cross under certain conditions without the player’s turn ending.
Peg, or Stake
The post in the centre of the court.
The period during which a player is allowed to play before the opponent becomes eligible to play. In some forms of croquet, there is only one Stroke in a turn; in other forms, the player can earn the right to make additional strokes in the turn by Roqueting balls or Running Hoops.
In Association Croquet, a swing with the mallet with the intention of hitting the Striker’s Ball. In Golf Croquet, a swing with the mallet that actually contacts the striker’s ball, whether intentional or not.
Stop Shot
A Croquet Stroke which results in the Striker’s Ball going a minimal distance in relation to the Croqueted Ball.
Jump Shot
A Stroke resulting in the Striker’s Ball jumping off the ground, sometimes in order to go over another ball en route to its intended target.
An extra turn that a Striker can take when playing a handicap game against a better player.
Passing completely through a Hoop.
Double Tap
Contacting the Striker’s Ball twice with the mallet in the same stroke.
Association Croquet Terms
Eligible to hit another ball with your ball to earn bonus Strokes; i.e., when “Blue is alive on Red,” the Blue ball may legally strike (Roquet) the Red ball and gain two extra strokes as a result.
Association Rules Croquet
(also called “International Rules Croquet”) the form of the sport of 6-wicket croquet most commonly played in countries outside North America.
Ball in Hand
A ball that needs to be repositioned on the court, either in relation to another ball (usually after a Roquet), or on the Yard Line after going out of bounds.
A Turn in which the Striker’s Ball passes through more than one Hoop and scores more than one point.
Continuation Shot
The extra Stroke earned for Running a Hoop, or the stroke following the Croquet Stroke.
Croquet Stroke
The first of two extra Strokes earned for Roqueting another ball with with the Striker’s Ball, played by hitting the striker’s ball while it is in contact with the ball that has just been roqueted. The game is named for this unique stroke, which allows players to position not only their own balls but also the opponent’s.
Ineligibility to earn bonus Strokes by Roqueting another ball with the Striker’s Ball.
Drive Shot
The basic single-ball shot of croquet. When used in a Croquet Stroke with both balls aimed in the same direction, the Croqueted Ball goes 3 to 5 times as far as the Striker’s Ball.
Roll Shot
A Croquet Stroke which results in the Striker’s Ball going farther in relation to the Croqueted Ball than happens in a Drive Shot. Rolls can be designated 1/2, 3/4, Full, or Pass according to this ratio.
The right to lift a ball from its position and place it in another location specified in the relevant law. This right is usually granted at certain points during an Association Rules game, or when Wiring is called under the rules of either Association Rules or American Rules games.
A Stroke that sends a ball other than the Striker’s Ball through its next Hoop (whether the striker’s ball runs the hoop or not).
A ball positioned near one’s next hoop, to be used by the player in Setting Up for a Hoop Shot
Pivot Ball
A ball placed on the court, usually near the center, to be used during a break after placing a pioneer ball and before going to the next hoop
A Stroke in which the Striker’s Ball hits another ball upon which it is Alive.
A ball which has gone through its final hoop. Special rules of play apply to such balls.
Split Shot
A Croquet Stroke resulting in the Striker’s Ball and the Croqueted Ball taking divergent paths.
A Croquet Stroke in which the Croqueted Ball goes a very short distance, if any (the ball must at least shake), while the Striker’s Ball goes much further, at approximately right angles
Placing an opponent’s ball in such a position that it cannot get a clear shot at all sides of every ball on which it is Alive. If a ball is wired at the beginning of a turn, a player may get a Lift according to the rules of the game being played.
Yard Line
The imaginary line one yard (approximately the length of a mallet handle) inside the designated boundary, where balls are placed after going out of bounds in Association Rules Croquet.